FEBRUARY 2. Communion.
Text/title: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 “God is Pure Love”
FEB. 9 5th Sunday after Epiphany
Tex/title: Luke 5:1-11 “Follow Jesus' Directions”
FEB. 16 6th Sunday after Epiphany
Text/title: Luke 6:17-26 “Blessings and Challenges in Life”
FEB. 23. 7th Sunday after Epiphany
Text/tltle: Luke 6:27-38 God's Grace and Reconciliation
Learning and Growing Together AUTOPSY OF A DECEASED CHURCH 12 ways to Keep Your Church Alive. Study led by Dave Goldsmith, and books are available now (see Jill Goldsmith) at $6. No church needs to die, but changes and adjustments can be made to return a healthy heartbeat. This study begins Sunday, January 5th immediately following fellowship time.
PRAYERFUL COMMITMENT: “God, open my eyes that I might see my church as You see it. Let me see where change needs to take place, even if it is painful to me. And use me, I pray, to be an instrument of that change whatever the cost."
Bible and book study has returned. We meet most Saturday mornings from 10-11:30am. New book is Into the Heart of Romans: A Deep Dive into Paul’s Greatest Letter, by NT Wright. Everyone is welcome. See Mary Sweet for more information (ph. 231-881-7367).
God created all things and called them good. Acknowledging the brokenness of the world and the ways the Church has condoned that brokenness through it’s own silence, we trust in God’s abiding love and extravagant welcome. At Trinity, we welcome everyone as full participants in the life and sacraments of Christ’s church. Everyone includes people of any age, economic status, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, race, sexual orientation, faith background, life experience or physical, emotional and mental capability. Simply put: everyone, everyone, everyone is welcome. No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.