MARCH 2 Transformation Sunday. Communion.
Text/title: Luke 9:28-36 Changed Inside and Out
MARCH 5 ASH Wednesday services
7pm at Trinity UMC
MARCH 9 1st Sunday of Lent
Text/title: Luke 4:1-13 Wilderness Times
MARCH 16 2nd Sunday of Lent
Text/title: Luke 13:31-35, John 17:20-25 Partners with God
MARCH 23 3rd Sunday of Lent
Text/title: Luke 13:1-9, Psalm 63:1-8 The Power of Prayer
MARCH 30 UMCOR Sunday. 4th Sunday of Lent
Tex/title: Luke 15:1-3, 11-32 God's Miracle Mindset
Learning and Growing Together: A new study led by Dave Goldsmith, will begin March 16 using the book entitled ANATOMY OF A REVIVED CHURCH: Seven Findings about How Congregations Avoided Death, by Thom Rainer. Books are in and are able to be purchased for $10 each. Books will be available until March 9th, when Dave will return any left unpurchased. Questions? Talk with Dave.
Bible and book study has returned. We meet most Saturday mornings from 10-11:30am. New book is Paul for Everyone: Part One (chapters 1-8), by NT Wright. Everyone is welcome. Books are available in the office for purchase ($19.50), or order from your favorite bookseller. See Mary Sweet for more information (ph. 231-881-7367).
God created all things and called them good. Acknowledging the brokenness of the world and the ways the Church has condoned that brokenness through it’s own silence, we trust in God’s abiding love and extravagant welcome. At Trinity, we welcome everyone as full participants in the life and sacraments of Christ’s church. Everyone includes people of any age, economic status, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, race, sexual orientation, faith background, life experience or physical, emotional and mental capability. Simply put: everyone, everyone, everyone is welcome. No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.